Rome at the beginning was ruled by kings. Freedom and the consulship were established by Lucius Brutus. Dictatorships were held for a temporary crisis. The power of the decemvirs did not last beyond two years, nor was the consular jurisdiction of the military tribunes of long duration. The despotisms of Cinna and Sulla were brief; the rule of Pompeius and of Crassus soon yielded before Caesar; the arms of Lepidus and Antonius before Augustus; who, when the world was wearied by civil strife, subjected it to empire under the title of "Prince." But the successes and reverses of the old Roman people have been recorded by famous historians; and fine intellects were not wanting to describe the times of Augustus, till growing sycophancy scared them away. The histories of Tiberius, Caius, Claudius, and Nero, while they were in power, were falsified through terror, and after their death were written under the irritation of a recent hatred. Hence my purpose is to relate a few facts about Augustus- more particularly his last acts, then the reign of Tiberius, and all which follows, without either bitterness or partiality, from any motives to which I am far removed.
When after the destruction of Brutus and Cassius there was no longer any army of the Commonwealth, when Pompeius was crushed in Sicily, and when, with Lepidus pushed aside and Antonius slain, even the Julian faction had only Caesar left to lead it, then, dropping the title of triumvir, and giving out that he was a Consul, and was satisfied with a tribune's authority for the protection of the people, Augustus won over the soldiers with gifts, the populace with cheap corn, and all men with the sweets of repose, and so grew greater by degrees, while he concentrated in himself the functions of the Senate, the magistrates, and the laws. He was wholly unopposed, for the boldest spirits had fallen in battle, or in the proscription, while the remaining nobles, the readier they were to be slaves, were raised the higher by wealth and promotion, so that, aggrandised by revolution, they preferred the safety of the present to the dangerous past. Nor did the provinces dislike that condition of affairs, for they distrusted the government of the Senate and the people, because of the rivalries between the leading men and the rapacity of the officials, while the protection of the laws was unavailing, as they were continually deranged by violence, intrigue, and finally by corruption.
Tacitus, Annales 1.1
Hindsight is 20-20
Tacitus gallops through the final years of the Roman Republic from the perspective of disinterested enlightenment; the distance of his history from the events recorded allows the historian to assess the reality of the past.
He is not a partisan.
He is unemotional.
He can allow his unfettered rational mind to evaluate the evidence of the past and come to conclusions about it.
While the emperor Augustus claimed to have “restored the Republic” (res publica restituta), Tacitus states the obvious: The despotisms of Cinna and Sulla were brief; the rule of Pompeius and of Crassus soon yielded before Caesar; the arms of Lepidus and Antonius before Augustus; who, when the world was wearied by civil strife, subjected it to empire under the title of "Prince." Augustus eliminated all of his rivals (see Syme’s The Roman Revolution), and then bit by bit restructured the entire Roman political apparatus around himself. This radical and revolutionary process required consent: it required the consent of the Roman elite—who profited from the collapse of the Republic (and all the brave men of integrity were killed in battle or proscriptions anyway)—and it required the consent of Roman provinces who had become cynical of the Republic’s ability to reassert a system of law, morality and ethics.
Revolution is often imagined as an oppressed rabble who break the yoke of their oppressor.
The reality of revolution is quite the opposite; it is normally by one elite oligarchy overthrowing another elite oligarchy.
Ronald Syme expresses the idea exactly: “In all ages, whatever the form and name of government, be it monarchy, republic, or democracy, an oligarchy lurks behind the façade…” (The Roman Revolution: 7).
Nearly all revolutions are by the elite against the elite: one ruling order replacing another ruling order. New boss same as the Old boss.
In our case, the New boss is far worse than anything we can imagine.
Note the image above. It was taken from the UN Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 Recovery. From June to August of 2020 150 “experts” held a series of workshops, which culminated in a conference at Canada’s International Development Research Centre on August 18, 2020. The document is happy to note: 2/3 of the participants were women. The image gestures to 2015, the year in which the Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework and the Agenda for a Sustainable Development were agreed upon. The image then stops at COVID, and it offers us two possible futures: one is a dark and dreary, industrialized, polluted hellscape (the status quo) and the second is the divine blessing of the holy light. That is not the sun you see. What you see is the dawn of the policy positions of the three documents linked above.
You are witnessing the revolution in real time.
The New Boss
The UN Research Roadmap for COVID-19 Recovery is not an inert document. The Canadian government is already employing it for new research initiatives and it wholly shapes its Framework for Action on Global Health.
It begs the questions:
Who is building these roads? How are the roads being built? Where is it taking us? What happens when we get to wherever it is we are going? Do we actually want to go there? Can we get off the ride?
It is always best for one to read the Roadmap oneself. I cannot cover everything in the document, and frankly I have better things to do than to witness an incipient, dystopian revolution. Read it yourself on your free time.
But I will gesture to a couple of items.
Admittedly, there are proposals and solutions contained in the document which would find very little disagreement among honest actors. But there is a significant problem—and this is the same problem as the most recent IPCC report on Climate Change and many of these globalist reports that are sent out into digital ether—they all take as axiomatic that Nature, Culture and Society operate according to the Laws of Leftism. Nature is based in Equity. Culture is based in Equity. Society is based in Equity. The core operating principle of the universe is the ideology of Equity and all solutions to all problems can be summed up in a single word: Equity.
Equity, Equity, Equity. Say it again. Equity, Equity, Equity. Repeat it.
To quote Michael Strong and Steven Hoffman, the directors for the Framework for Action on Global Health 2021-2025 (equity in bold is in the original document):
Equity is at the centre of our Framework because we believe it is the single most powerful concept for accelerating health improvement around the world. We believe that equity is Canada’s global health opportunity to lead the world, address historical wrongs, and achieve transformative impacts for everyone’s benefit. Everything that CIHR initiates as a result of this Framework will have equity at its core.
Welcome to the Cult. Have some Kool Aid.
Equity sounds nice. It is like Equality, but better. What monster would reject something that sounds so nice? Look at the image below! Look how beautiful this is! Look at how the UN transmits its underlying ideology!
We have all grown accustomed to these sorts of propagandistic images. The art style, in fact, imperceptibly slipped into our view near the beginning of the COVID Policy Disaster of 2020. Note how stupid the authors of this image think you are.
None of the words below the images actually reflect the reality of the image. That is what makes propaganda so deleterious to the mind. Its power derives from confusion and incoherence. Words must be severed from ideas and from reality.
An individual has built a fence. Perhaps she hired someone to build it or she built it with her own hands, after learning how to source the lumber, how to cut the lumber and erect the fence. The fence protects an orange tree, which she planted and cultivated or perhaps hired others to plant and manage. It was a good thing she built the fence, since by the looks of it her neighbours will try every which way to steal her oranges. Had her neighbours had a proper sense of ethics and morality they would know stealing is wrong. There would be no need for a fence. She has yet to pick the oranges. May be she grew them for herself or she has an orchard of orange trees (suggested by the final image), from which she will provide 1000s upon 1000s of oranges to her community at a cost based on standard economic principles of supply and demand.
While the propaganda of the image above pretends to illustrate ideas of equality, equity or justice, the reality of the four images is entirely unconnected to ideas of equality, equity or justice: they all show different kinds of theft.
That is all.
The final image is more than theft. It is revolution. The only thing missing from it is the corpse of the dead woman, whose land they have stolen. Perhaps they butchered her children as well. And once they have finished butchering and robbing, they will turn their gaze in your direction.
I do not want to be cavalier.
There are clearly significant obstacles caused by poverty, poor governance, corruption, crisis capitalism, authoritarianism, and inequalities of various kinds. The list of problems is endless. The solutions to these various issues are different based on region, nation, government, domestic structure, community impacted, culture and the individual. The solutions require intimate knowledge of the precise problem, and pragmatic, objective, solution-oriented, thought.
In other words, the antonym of ideology. Any rational person understands this.
“Equity” and leftist “Justice” are not solutions: they are ideological newspeak, and euphemisms for Communism.
Most honest actors would agree that we should create a society that is based on universal opportunity. But opportunities are only as good as the individuals who choose to accept them. Individual labor, ambition, and learned competency are the keys to unlocking success. It has always been that way. Hesiod’s Works and Days, a document nearly 3000 years old now, states this explicitly. We used to understand this. It was axiomatic.
Work Work upon Work.
The image above could have shown streams of expertise, whereby an individual becomes a logger, another becomes a carpenter, and another becomes a farmer, and they employ their unique competencies in creating another orchard. These skills and competencies are permanent. Each person could pass on these skills to their children and neighbours, and their children can improve upon these skills. Generational competency activates a sustainable future through skill and labor. The image could have shown an individual who developed skills and an expertise and now employs it to build and benefit society.
No, the image shows “marginalized communities” (read the document to know what the UN means by that) tearing down someone else’s labor and work, stealing their goods.
That is justice.
No need to learn.
No need to work.
All you need is marginalized status.
Intersectionality on steroids.
Tear it down.
The Solution for COVID
Let us look at another image, one that outlines the COVID-19 Recovery Roadmap. Remember, the COVID Policy of the last two years Is the GREATEST POLICY DISASTER IN HUMAN HISTORY.
To put it bluntly, anyone connected to the policy decisions over the last two years ought to be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity.
But don’t worry, your UN betters have a plan.
The solutions to the COVID-19 Policy Harms are not opening up businesses or training people, who have had their businesses or careers destroyed, or acknowledging that school closures were pernicious and destructive, or not entering regional conflicts that strain and pressure an already fragile social and economic situation, or reinvest in health and education, or attempt to repair the total loss of credibility in governmental, educational, and medical institutions. Or simply stopping the failed COVID policy in the first place.
No. No. NO.
The solutions are Equity, Sustainability, and Resilience. In other words: Leftism. Luckily for us the UN tells us exactly what it means by these pleasant sounding words (and don’t get me wrong…some of the elements of the discourse I agree with):
Equity is at the core of all decisions, even if those who are making the decisions have suffered nothing under COVID policy over the last two years…in fact, they have become richer and more powerful. The systems must be resilient—as various governments and NGOs actively attempt to destroy those systems. Sustainability must be prioritized, so long as sustainability coheres to Intersectional Marxism.
Now look at the image to the right of these virtuous moralisms.
Masked children, sitting in a glass cubicle, dehumanized and isolated from their peers in school.
This image is the paragon of psychological and spiritual abuse, and it is the symbol of what the UN means by Interdependence.
That image is Hell on Earth.
Res Publica Restituta
We are witnessing a radical and global Revolution. Make no mistake. This is the moment. The nation-state needs to yield to the interdependent global system. You must submit to the ideology of Equity.
And if you don’t?
Just ask the protestors of the Freedom Convoy in Canada. You will be de-personed. Your digital currency will be weaponized against you. You will be restricted from travel or from participating in society. Just ask the Unvaccinated in Canada.
They will try to break you. And if they can’t, they will cancel you.
But you will forget.
Just the other day the NYT published an image of a blank-eyed man having his brain literally washed.
Not only will you forget, you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.
You will submit.
You wore your mask for two years.
You actively harmed your own children.
You chose safety and fear over hugging your aged parents or participating in communal celebration.
You buried your father on Zoom.
You took shot after shot after shot because they told you to.
You are already lost.
There is no you anymore.
You have become them.
Mirror their ideology back to them.
You will forget, and that is a good thing.
You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.
But there will be no you.
You are just an identity.
You are not an individual.
Your brain has already been washed.
Now Smile.